Paid My Dues

Pay your dues: “to do something that you do not enjoy in order to have something that you want, or because you feel it is your duty”.

I want to say that I have paid my dues, but I’m not quite sure.

The thing is – I enjoy pretty much everything. And I know that the things that I don’t enjoy are alsoΒ things that I should enjoy.

This leaves me in a quandary because to have paid my dues, by definition I would have had to do things that I do not enjoy.


Maybe I am saved by the word ‘duty’.

There are things which are my duty to do that can be enjoyable as well as contributing to having paid dues. Things like earning a living; supporting those who are vulnerable or in my care; paying taxes; and being a nice person to those around me.

Okay, maybe paying taxes is not that enjoyable, but when you think about it – you have to have started with something in order to haveΒ pay the tax, so at the end of the day paying a tax is really saying that you have something in the first place. So that’s a positive, right?

Anyway; whatever.

41 thoughts on “Paid My Dues

            • There’s the boy in the bubble and then there’s that movie about someone who can’t go outside – it came out in 2017 and (looks it up) it’s called Everything, Everything. πŸ™‚

              Liked by 1 person

            • πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Wah. I will. Heard there’s a new movie called A quiet place, something about not making any noise or sound. Could be considered as sound allergy.
              By the way, how are you?

              Liked by 1 person

            • Wow, A Quiet Place looks good (plot follows a family who must live life in silence while hiding from creatures that hunt by sound). I like stuff like that.
              How am I? Well, it’s same old thing with me – I’ve been eating too much sugar while I was on holiday in Oman and Kuwait and it has made me kind of quiet and shy(ish). I move away from people and feel awkward and don’t smile enough and feel like no-one really likes me. Apart from that – fine, thanks. πŸ™‚
              How about you?

              Liked by 1 person

            • I’m watching it right now. Intermission now. It’s thrilling!
              Well, I’m always like that, with or without sugar, but I’m not shy. I shout at anyone, anytime, without reason πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my annual exams just ended yesterday, so yay, I’m freeeeeeeeeeeeee as a bird now

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            • Haha. No. I’m very moody……
              I’m going to buy books and read. I still have to take the practical exam.
              Kinda. It was thrilling but it could be better. Okish…

              Liked by 1 person

            • The Shinning!!!!!! Then it’s next part! Then the Inferno by Dante, then The Black Tulip by Dumas, then the selected poems by Coleridge….. Oh, I’m so excited and this list goes on and on and on. It’s so pleasant and annoying at the same time to have sooo many books unread! Pleasant cause so much to read! Annoying due to time constraints 😧

              Liked by 1 person

            • Wow, I’m really impressed by your reading list. I’m beginning to get the impression that you are one smart cookie! I tried reading the Divine Comedy (Dante’s journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso)) but I lost the plot in Purgatory. As far as I know he’s still there. Note to self: must rescue him one of these days.
              Yeah, I wish I could just read all day too. πŸ™‚

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            • Hehe. I couldn’t find the Purgatorio and Paradiso in Starmark so I guess I’ll have to order online. I wanted the whole Divine Comedy in one book, but couldn’t find.
              Yes…. Time!!!

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            • πŸ™‚ Shinning is a method of climbing trees where you grip onto the trunk with the bottom of your legs (your shins).
              Shining is what a light does when it is on.
              Pedantic is what I get when it’s too early in the morning and my eyes and nose are itching because there’s too much pollen in the air.
              The Shining is a book I read when I was your exact age. I enjoyed it enormously. It’s deliciously scary and dark. After you’ve read it, when you hear things go bump in the night you won’t be thinking that it’s someone getting themselves a midnight snack, you’ll instead believe it to be an evil spirit that’s invaded your house and is coming closer and Closer and CLOSER as you shiver under your bedclothes unable to make a sound because if you remain quiet enough it might (just might) pass by your door …

              Liked by 1 person

            • We are all different.
              Need different food
              Different wardrobes
              And different sleep.

              The rain has arrived here.
              I hear it pattering outside.
              The window is closed now.
              Summer has ended again.

              Sorry – didn’t intend to do that. πŸ™‚

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            • This is nice…. It would be great here if the fan could be faster and the AC temperature could be lower. It’s really hot. Nice that summer’s over.
              Why sorry?

              Liked by 1 person

            • I slipped into some kind of poetry mode. Didn’t intend to do that. It’s not exactly normal. But then again – neither am I, so that’s okay. πŸ™‚
              What do you mean ‘summer is over’?

              Liked by 1 person

            • As you said, summer had ended again. That’s nice….. And maybe it’s not normal to slip into a poetic mode, but it’s rather refreshing. 😊

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