Track Lights

Seems to me that we’re destined to be front row observers of our own lives. I’d say ‘participants’ but it’s not really like that. We watch our thoughts. We keep an eye on our words. We look at our fingers as they move up and down on the keyboard of our life. Watch, observe and look all you want; there’s nothing you can do to affect one single tidge of it.

The Urban Dictionary has tidge down as “an indeterminate body part, usually considered female, but not exclusively so. Most typically used in a derogatory manner, as a coded profanity or as sexual …” etc. etc. Needless to say: I didn’t mean that. Just as needless to say: I can’t do a darned thing about it.

We track the sun across the sky. The clouds pass sometimes and cover it up. We can walk with a parasol and do much the same thing but it don’t stop the sun. All that we see is reflected light from the sun. It bounces around and then hits us in the eye. Those people who think that they own their own images and can decide whether to be tracked or not by the eyes scanning the crowd probably don’t realise that they have the sun to thank for the way they blink in and out of existence.

The night is a time of dreams.

Paradoxically: even though it might not seem so, you own your dreams. You alone can affect the course of them. You generate your own, inner light. You dictate where that light bounces and how you pick it up and what you make of it when you do. You are god in your dreams. You create and track your own light.

Make the most of it.

Stop at the line above. This is only commentary. I wrote the above in York Explore on one of their computers. At the side of the computer is this:

I clicked the switch and a string of light (a track of lights) above by head lit up. Well, three of the four did. Then I clicked it again and all four lights went (yeah, I know, I’m stretching the meaning of that word) off.

So that’s the seed of this post. The rest was all me.

In reality, my ‘verdict is out’ as to whether I believe that we have no effect on our lives. Perhaps we’re reading from a script with the mere illusion of having some control over what we say (and do) or maybe we’re just making life up on the hoof. Either way, it don’t make a whole lot of difference. The effect is just the same.

Whichever way around: make the most of it.

Right, I’m off home to make myself a cup of tea.

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