Moving on up Now (Yeah, out of the Darkness)

I’m not dying.

At least, not in the sense that it’s imminent or diagnosed.

Just thought I’d make that clear.

This is not about death, dying, end-of-life care or your sympathy.

That said, I do need to transform before I die.

My form on the outside, at the moment, is male, almost middle-aged, white, anglo-saxon, heterosexual and whichever other category you can think of that marks me down as privileged and thus not entitled to complain. About anything. At all.

My inner form is different, as you would imagine.

We all have hangups. At least, I hope we do because I really don’t want to be the only one to have them. That’d be unfair. My particular and peculiar hangups are nobody’s business but my own. Just trust that I have them and I don’t want them. My intended transformation is therefore an inner thing that involves moving away from my hangups.

Now I know what you’re thinking: how will he tell me about his transformational journey if he’s not telling me where he’s starting from? That’d be like asking your random person in an internet chatroom for directions to China without saying where you’re starting from. But see, the thing is: it doesn’t really matter where you start from if you intend to go upwards. And transformation is all about rising.

By moving on up I mean: move towards … (hmm; not God, not a deity, not being a better person, not the top of a philosophical mountain; so what then? Ah; got it!) … towards immanence!

Wait! Don’t rush off to look that up. I’ve done it for you. Here’s the definition according to Britannica: “immanence, in philosophy and theology, a term applied, in contradistinction to โ€œtranscendence,โ€ to the fact or condition of being entirely within something“.


Well in that case I meant transcendence.


So, to clarify: By moving on up I mean: to move towards transcendence.

Aw, c’mon; anyone can make a mistake. At least I ‘fessed up!

Okay, just give me a sec now to read back what I’ve written so far because I’ve pretty much lost sight of what I’m writing about here.

Got it.

I want to transform in the sense that I end all the crap and bad habits in my mind so that I can move towards transcendence.

Jeesh, if I’d have known it was that simple I’d’ve just said that right from the start!

Heck, I feel better already.

Oh, wait; hold up. I forgot to tell you what transcendence means. Here’s what Oxford says: “existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level.”

Right. Time for dinner. I’m starving!

7 thoughts on “Moving on up Now (Yeah, out of the Darkness)

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