Cindy G En-Masse Award

I have been nominated for the Cindy G En-Masse Award by the one-and-only Cindy Georgakas who writes up a storm (to beautiful effect) on her blog Unique Times.

Cindy’s a lovely lass living in California, which is in the US of A. I’ve never been there but I understand it’s a sunny place where you can buy oranges (or is that Florida?) and wine. It’s also the home of Californication (song or TV show – you decide).

… and then I was going to go into the ins and outs of all the awards that Cindy has nominated me for (at least two and perhaps as many as three thousand), answer all the questions I was meant to answer and nominate a gazillion people for further awards, but I got lost in doing something else and by the time I resurfaced (now) this draft was many, many months old and was so covered in virtual cobwebs that even the virtual spiders were getting virtually confused.

So, without subjecting anyone to further words on the subject I declare myself nominated and happy to move on. Thanks, Cindy, you’re amazing.

(there, that reduces my Drafts down to 55)

17 thoughts on “Cindy G En-Masse Award

  1. So funny to see this Robert as I missed it somehow but just updated my website and was googling it and this popped up instead. Sorry to miss the fun here and acknowledgement.
    How are you? I haven’t seen you for quite a long while.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Cindy, I’m well thanks. You? I stopped blogging regularly for a while (I think that excessive interactions with other bloggers overloaded me and so I shied away) but now I’m back (albeit with less interactions) to blogging regularly. I think it’s a fine balance for me. I can very easily let/get myself get into multiple (and very interesting) conversations but, because I’m essentially an introvert (my energy discharges when interacting with others and recharges from silence and solitude) I feel uncomfortable (depleted) when it gets too much. Hence, I step away. All of which is a really complicated way of saying that I value our conversations and have immense respect and regard for you *and* I will always need to step away from all that goodness and recharge. None of which means that you should stop talking to me. πŸ˜€
      And, yeah, I found ‘Cindy G En-Masse Award’ in my drafts – sorry I didn’t find the time and energy (that it deserved) to finish it..
      Have a great day, Cindy.


      • So good to hear Robert and thanks for letting me know. I’m well and usually share my whole goings on in my blog because, well I guess I’m an ambivert posed as an extrovert. πŸ˜‚Hahah. I have lots of balls in the air and I’m good but juggling so much does take it’s toll so I know what you mean. I am still trying to find balance in blogging. It’s like the dishes and laundry … none are ever done and I think it will be …but I get joy from people like you but can’t spend the time only to this. It’s great you have figured out how to manage it all.
        Oh it was just fine you gave it the attention you could and I don’t do awards anymore although they were fun for awhile but too time consuming. I wish you well my friend and thanks for responding. Take good care-:)
        Blessings of love always πŸ’•β™₯️

        Liked by 1 person

        • You’re a sweetheart, Cindy – such a measured, understanding and loving message – much appreciated.
          Yeah, I know what you mean about balls in the air. I blog, podcast, present a radio show and do a full-time job. Oh, and I’m learning a new language (Hindi), writing a new novel (on WattPad) and reading about Fermat’s Last Theorum. Males me wonder how I find time for a life! πŸ˜€
          It must be nice being an ambivert posed as an extrovert – I bet you really enjoy your life and get loads done.
          Take care, Cindy. Keep smiling.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Oh thank you for your kind hearted message Robert! Wow and I thought I was busy. That’s incredibly impressive and Hindi at that. I studied a little Sanskrit and yoga is one thing but it was challenging.
            Laughing when you said “Makes me wonder how I find time for a life! πŸ˜€
            I couldn’t agree more… ditto.
            It’s sort of a middle ground nice place to be.
            Thanks Robert I will and you do the same my friend! ❣️
            Namaste to youπŸ’–πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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